I can see the disappointment in their faces when I say I'm a feminist. I see that I have slightly turned them off. I'm not offended nor bother by it. I understand the misconception. I get it.
For a lot of people especially men, feminism is translated as Misandry. The hatred, fear and prejudice against men is not something that I stand for. I am a proud feminist. I support equal right for both genders and everything in between.
I do consider myself a strong independent woman. Meaning I'm okay sitting alone at a bar to have a drink, I can put together my own furniture, I can open my own door. I don't wait for a guy to help, or buy me a drink. With that being said I do not mind a guy opening a door for me, or paying for a meal. I do not care if he wants to help me carry a heavy box, by all mean make my life easier. I'm just saying I will not stop living to wait for a guy to do something I am capable of doing by myself.
As a feminist I want to be treated as an equal. As in whatever he gets, I want it to. Yes, I might sound a little bratty but if I do the same work I want to get paid the same. If there is an opening for the CEO position, I want the same opportunity to get it. I want to say that I'm going to be a cop without the comment of "You can arrest me anytime" with a cheeky smile or "If you approach me, I wouldn't take you seriously." Like seriously, Fuck you.
BUT in order to be treated as an equal, I know I have to treat others equally as well. Growing up in a world where society tells us how genders are suppose to act, we subconsciously believe it. We make comments, faces, judge others for something that is technically not wrong but in the eyes of norms it is not acceptable.
I'm talking about the way females expect a guy to be. When a guy cries, we shouldn't roll our eyes and tell him to "man up". He is allowed to cry, he does have feelings like his counterpart. Ladies, come on, we can pay for their meals as well. They are working as hard as us, we can treat them as well. When I'm at a bar I will buy a guy a drink when he intrigues me. Why not? It doesn't matter if I'm hitting on him or I'm just having a good friendly conversation with him, give him some validation sometimes, give him that little confidence boost.
Something controversial that I do believe in, is a man defending himself. We always hear about domestic violence where the man is hitting the women. Very rarely do we hear about it the other way around. It's our faults, we want to make jokes about it, we harshly judge the guy. We make it difficult for the guy to get of that situation and even come forward for help. At the end of the day, if that man has to fight back and get out of there I do support him defending himself. Women aren't the only victims.
I believe all men and women should be feminist. We should all want equal pay for the same job we do. We should be given the same opportunities. Women should be able to be leaders without being called bossy and guys should be able to express their feelings without being called pussies.
I understand there are women out there that are radical, go way too far and just become man-hating humans. But not all women are like that. We need to be educated on the term Feminist and understand it's not a bad thing. There still will be people who don't like the idea. I know females who don't agree with it. That's okay too. If they are happy with how they are treated, then it's none of my business. But I know how I want to be treated, and I will demand that respect and no I won't stop saying I'm a feminist no matter how many guys I turn off and don't get a second date.