2016 is quickly fading away and 2017 is knocking at our door. Another year, another me right? It's so easy to say, and so easy to wish for because who doesn't want a fresh start. We all want another chance to make ourselves better, another way to start again, another year to accomplish more than we did before.
As a freshly graduated college student, I went from going to school, working three jobs, and enjoying being 21, to having one job and too big of a social life; I'm left with too much thinking time. I love to dream big but I am a realist. On top of my list is moving to Europe. I WILL do this one day but there isn't any way I can do this currently without being broke and struggle for a living. For now that dream will have to put to the side.
Currently I have a college degree for a career that I was thinking of not pursuing. A Criminal Justice degree to be a police officer. It sounded like a great idea when I finished high school and started college. As I was finishing college I had more life experience that had changed me, I had the travel bug, I didn't want to follow the American dream of getting a good career and being successful.
Just this year my big responsibility was the same for the past 18 years- to get through school. Now that I had accomplish that, I was lost. I had so much time to run a little wild. I went out every night, I met new people, just made money and equally spent it. Meanwhile my friends and people my age were getting jobs and settling down. It slowly crept up on me that I didn't want to be seen working in restaurant or nannying anymore. I was tired of over working for little pay. I wanted respect and have pride for my job. I know I am very capable of getting a career especially in law enforcement and start making the right money. One day I will make enough to pull out my Europe dream and pursue it.
Now that 2017 is just a few weeks away, I feel ready to start my career. It's just not about being a better me, but it's about starting the next stage in my life. I had a fear of the possibility of being stuck in a job I didn't like. But what if that job was meant to be, I would never know because I didn't try. At the end of the day a mistake can always be fixed but a missed chance may never reappear. As a new year is coming forth, I look back a final time at a year of being a student with one goal, leaving behind the unsureness of what adulthood means. I step forward with new confidence and aspiration with filling blank pages of seized opportunities and mistakes that will be turn into lessons.